You may recognize Tanya & Jure (bottom centre) from our website and their wedding spread in Wedluxe Magazine. What a joy to be asked to capture another family milestone: Tanya’s grandparents are celebrating 6o years together!
A classic family portrait was in order, so we did it up in a formal way, with the important addition of candid imagery. For years, we’ve enjoyed shooting at Hycroft Manor and once again, it provided the perfect, elegant setting for this special family.
We were moved by the warmth and sensitivity radiating from Joe and Maria. When I asked Joe what his secret was to his successful, FOREVER marriage, he teared up and became overwhelmed by the site of his family surrounding him and his beautiful wife, still by his side after all these years. The answer was clear.
I’m excited to design a custom JONETSU card for the family to send around in celebration! To many more years together, Joe and Maria! (clink!)
