Hi Friends! Can’t believe it’s the 23rd of December, already!
This has been another incredible year. The only word I can use to describe how I feel is “grateful”.
To our completely amazing, warm, down-to-earth clients… to the artists and service providers that inspire us in the wedding industry every day- thank you for being in our lives!!
Dearest friends and family- you are all we care about at the beginning and end of the day.
Happy holidays to YOU! Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas. Wishing you all peace, love and joy… and health, lots of good health!
We’re closing until December 29th. xoxox c&c

Mya and NiNi whippets inside our antique frame, florals by the ever-talented and gracious Gloria & her team at Flower Factory. Gloria also did our wedding flowers almost 12 years ago 🙂

We decided to decorate the studio this year. I like putting photographs on the tree- next year I think I’ll go crazy with that. It would be so fun to see all of our brides and grooms up there from 15 years of weddings… how could I do this? Must think on theses things…


So grateful for our sweet little, patient hounds. They liked smelling the flowers and Chadwick did a great job wrangling them with the promise of treats.

Another year of gorgeous, meaningful weddings… cards and albums

This bunch of wintery love- with the promise of Spring (papery peonies). Gloria knows me too well.

It felt nice and warm, but I have to say… still not loving LED lights on trees- look how this light looks compared to our home tree (later). LEDs just aren’t there yet with yummy light.

Mya turned 9. Grainy iphone pic. She allowed the tutu for a few minutes. Really, it was a gift for ME 🙂

This hound turned 11. He ran like the wind last week- hadn’t seen him so up to running in over a year. Is it the glucosamine and sardines? It might be! So exciting, NiNi!

Of course, a cheesy birthday portrait for the hound.

We made stuff! From now on, we will always make things for the holidays. We dehydrated apples and pears, created toasted pecans and made home made Nutella!

Recipe (Camille Style, sorry): Roast half a huge bag of hazelnuts, RUB THOSE NUTS to get the skins off. We used our nut butter attachement for our juicer to process the nut butter, but you can use a food processor or Vitamix too (smooth is best). Melt half a big bag of nice quality chocolate chips (big bags= Costco size). Mix nut butter, melted chocolate, a couple shots of vanilla extract and a couple shots of hazelnut oil in the food processor until shiny and smooth- like fondant texture. There it is. It won’t last. RDN Real Deal Nutella.

Juicing as much as we have time for. Big batches are working well- we can keep the juice fresh for 3 days with this juicer. And DRY pulp. My goal is to make a yummy cracker from the pulp, but so far they’ve been non-delish. Must work on these things. Look at the colour!! I’ll say it here: I like this juice better than wine (!!)

This image from Jesse and Ahmed’s wedding did well in competitions this year.

braggy bits: getting home from the Professional BC Wedding Awards where we were excited to win for Best Photojournalism (thank you to Jayna Marie for my hair and makeup- it lasted all night- this is us at 2am!) & with Aura and Rima, presenting the award for Best In Class Photojournalism for Professional Photographers of Canada, BC. That trophy business if pretty crazy- there is a little lady with a camera on top- she’s wearing a very pro-looking ‘skirtsuit’- it’s sweet.

Scooter Braun and Yael Cohen in Town and Country- that was cool.

In January, we’ll start blogging weddings again- like this one- Elnaz and Moe in Wedluxe- what a gorgeous issue- check it out on news stands now.