Hello again! Over on our Facebook page, I promise we look more alive! Come and “like” it for more regular updates.
It’s been a busy and very enjoyable summer, one of my favourite wedding seasons of all time. Chadwick and I feel so grateful for being able to work beside each other and spend the kind of time we do with our couples whom we care for deeply. We’re really lucky to be full time wedding and portrait photographers, and I’m thankful daily for this life. Sorry to get all mushy, but it’s true.
Here are a handful of our couples on their big day this summer (I cannot get enough of “I’m so into you and this moment that my eyes close so I can focus on your embrace” images lol):
Sarah & Riley at Grouse Mountain right after their ceremony in the forest. Reception followed at the Vancouver Club.

Diana and Jonathan taking a break from their stunning reception at the Vancouver Convention Centre

Julie and Eugene seconds after their ceremony “I am always with you”. Reception followed at Vancouver Club.

Jacilyn and Ryan feeling the warmth of the late day sun before heading to their reception at the Fairmont Waterfront Hotel

Amy and Brian’s snuggle in the wildflowers at Westwood Plateau

I know kids are back to school, but it’s not quite Fall until I can wear some cute new boots with my jeans tucked in! Also, it’s not officially Fall until Sonia and Adam tie the knot on September 22nd (I’ll share their summery, romantic engagement album when it arrives).
The studio re-fresh is almost finished: the artwork is slowly arriving and the wallpaper has yet to be installed. Sheers went up last week and I’m so excited about them: they BILLOW with the window open!! (did I use “billow” correctly?) I’ve always loved airy, billowing sheers, and I wasn’t sure I’d get my billow effect with 18 foot high draperies- I shed a tear at the first sight of it 🙂
We’ve had a few in-studio sessions over this busy season that have been fun, and they’ve helped us nail down the details we need to cover to be fully operational at the most comfortable, convenient level for our clients. Things like hooks and makeup locations and beautiful throw cushions that accentuate your gorgeous eyes!!
Here are Caitlin and David with sweet baby Cecily!! We photographed C&D’s wedding back in 2009, and they visited the studio on their last trip into Vancouver. Cecily is the perfect blend of these two, we loved her instantly!!

Oh, and the most exciting professional news of our careers is coming. It’s always a little cheesy to half-announce something, but we’re cheesy like that! And excited, and inspired. I love it when everything feels genuine and right. Alright, back to editing all night long!! xo c