Fresh on the news stands is Real Weddings featuring Melissa & Traelach’s incredibly elegant, fun and touching wedding at Terminal City Club.

One of our first weddings ever published was in Real Weddings back in 2002. The local feel and beautiful story telling continues with M&T’s inspiring write-up. We’ve really got a great bunch of fantastic Canadian Wedding publications for brides and grooms these days.
Here is their lovely spread:
(As always, the publishers make the final decision on the images that get published and the complete layout.)


To see & feel the complete joy of Melisa & Traelach’s wedding, view their JONETSU Bespoke wedding album slideshow here (turn the music up!):
Awesome triple threat twins- can you believe Melissa’s sister Michelle designed and MADE Melissa’s wedding gown AND the bridesmaid dresses!? She hand covered those 100+ bottons on the back of the gown too. Um, wow.

YUM-YUM!!! these images are scrumptious!!!!