So here I am, sitting at the computer late at night, trying to get a blog post together in the middle of “wedding season”. I’m in love with the wedding I’ve been working on: Stephanie & Nathan. Thought I’d just ‘quickly post the wedding’. Guess what? I’m absolutely paralyzed.
“Chadwick, I’m down to 137 images selected to blog- I just don’t know what to cut, what to show. Ahhhh.”
I suppose it’s a happy problem, but it’s really getting to me this evening. I cannot post a whack of epic portraits & details and skip the dozens of intimate, moving moments – and those totally fun expressions that Nathan made all day- seriously, those expressions have made me smile throughout this whole edit! His mother shares the same expressions, it’s uncanny! The way Stephanie and Nathan hold each other, the way they have fun in every moment. The way these two amazing people- New York City architects of all things- are willing to just get outside and get drenched in a Whistler downpour- Vera Wang and all- just for fun and PURE romance.
The way Stephanie’s sweet sister Jennifer was the epitome of selfless caring on her sibling’s biggest day. How Stephanie gazed up at Nathan so many times with adoration in her eyes, you just can’t beat that look. I’m getting long winded now, I know. It’s their slideshow that will allow them to feel their day intimately all over again. It’s all so personal, really.
I just don’t want to miss a thing.
So here’s one shot for now, that’s all. Stay tuned for your Complete Story, Stephanie & Nathan. I wish you could join us in Vancouver for the first viewing 🙂 xo c


hey Camille and Chadwick! I cannottttt wait to see the rest of the photos! This is such a teaser!!! i started tearing up when i read what you wrote. That whole weekend I still play over and over in my head. Thank you for making it so much fun! You guys are awesome!
The photo of Stephanie and Nathan is just breathtaking,excited to see the rest.
Happy moments captured by two great photographers will last a lifetime.
So happy you were part of the day.
Thank you so much,
From a proud Mom,
Hi guys!
We had a lot of fun working with you on the wedding in Whistler with Nathan and Stephanie! I am so looking forward to seeing the moments you capture….I check every couple weeks!
Mrs. Lam, your family really came together to support Nathan and Stephanie’s celebration- that day was such a love fest, wasn’t it?! As Nathan and Stephanie have chosen to keep their beautiful wedding images for their friends and family’s eyes only (and we respect that choice), you won’t see any more images up on the blog 🙂 Glad I didn’t go huge on the post- I must have been ‘paralyzed’ for multiple reasons lol! They’ll receive their private slide show any day 🙂
Enjoy reliving the memories, and hugs to the whole family! xo camille