I’m very happy to have a number of incredible slides and negatives from my Grandfather’s collection of work. He was an engineer, and an avid photographer. Opa is 96 now, with all of his smarts & humor and not so much of his once energetic body.
This is a scan from a medium format slide (circa 1958), mounted in glass. Unfortunately, we cannot remove it from the glass to produce a direct print or a drum scan because it may damage the original slide. This will be a 40X40 framed canvas mounted behind our Hans Wegner teak bed. Can’t wait to show you the bedroom design when it’s finished. Not sure if I’ll have time, but I may launch the Mission Position blog by then and feature the “befores and afters” there (it’s only taken me over a year to get that lifestyle blog together- sheesh!).
Isn’t his piece so painterly and ethereal? The grain close up is magical- we’re so excited to see the completed canvas:

Here are a couple of my most treasured images of Oma and Opa together- the one on the right was taken by my uncle. Much of my post-production style is inspired by old family images like these. xo c


These are wonderful! I hope you post more of these from time to time.
This is such a beautiful entry. You can see so clearly where you get your talent and good looks from eh? 😉
Wow, beautiful images, thanks for sharing.