Last night was really fun. The Annual Professional BC Wedding Awards took place this year at the Pinnacle at The Pier in North Vancouver. What a lovely hotel- a bit of a gem, if you ask me- great rates, central, nice rooms and killer Vancouver views. Thank you to the organizers and sponsors for all of their hard work and dedication to producing such a nice Gala… I’m sure you put in so many hours that no one knows about behind the scenes- you guys are total givers. xo
We were so excited to win this year’s award for Best Overall Wedding Photography (yay to our JONETSU STUDIOS team, including Gabi and Matthew who assist us in Vancouver)! Considering the wedding photography talent in BC, we feel particularly humbled to have won this for a second year. Big congrats to all of the finalists and winners last night!! We are so inspired by our colleagues in this province… I feel like the bar is being set higher and higher, industry-wide and that only means wonderful things for brides and grooms. It’s a warm, passionate and hard-working group of artists and service providers- a sweet group to be a part of– and to party with! 🙂
Here was our full winning submission (12 images), featuring Cristina and Curtis. They married in Bogota, Colombia this July in the same church Cristina’s parents married. Thank you to Cristina and Curtis (and both of your families!), and to all of our couples this year (& years past!!!) who really make us feel grateful for being photographers- that we get the opportunity to know you and care about you… you guys all mean so much to us and it’s an honour to share these incredible moments with you. *sappy love moment over, I promise 😉
Thanks to Tammy from Uniquity Design (she won for Best Stationary this year!) for the photo of us:

Thanks to Tamara at J Crew at Pacific Centre Mall for helping me out with my necklace- you were so lovely! We’ve been so busy lately, I really wanted to get my hair and makeup done professionally, but alas, we were scrambling just to make it to the awards. I actually glued those little single eyelash thingies to my eyelashes by myself. So awkward. And I have no idea how to line my eyes. Time for a lesson from someone “how to do evening makeup.”… but I digress… Cris & Curtis:



Floral: Ana Maria Ruiz from Flores y Decoraciones
Venue: Club Los Lagartos
Planning, Decor & Design: Cristina Samper , Fluent Productions
Jewlery: Elsa Corsi, MJ Jewelers, Custom Made Cuff Links in Colombia
Stationary: Designed by Uniquity Design– Printed in Colombia on Handmade Paper sourced by Bride
Favors: Voluspa Travel Candles

You guys nailed it. Congratulations, you deserve it!! xo
Congratulations, guys!
Absolutely incredible achievement guys. Congratulations!
a belated congrats on the award 🙂
i’m stoked to see so much talent in Vancouver; definitely makes me excited about moving there (the sooner the better!)
you guys have an absolutely gorgeous city to romp around in.
cheers from the states,